On Monday, October 4, 2021 at 8.30 am., Professor Dr. Kriengsak Charoenwongsak President of the Nation-Building Institute (NBI) along with the management team and students of the executive program for national building attended a study visit at the Rajamangala Tawan-ok Water lily Institute, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok and welcomed by Dr. Anan Pongthornkulpanich acted as vice-president of Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok along with the administrators of the Rajamangala Tawan-ok Water lily Institute. A seminar was organized on the topic of “Development of the Water lilies Learning Center and Upgrading International Education” and activities for exchanging knowledge about water lilies which was specially described by Asst. Prof. Dr. N.Nopchai Chansilpa, an expert who is of great importance in the establishment and development of the Rajamangala Tawan-ok Water lily Institute, organized a seminar on the topic of “Developing Water lily Learning Centers and Upgrading International Education”. and activities for exchanging knowledge about water lilies which were specially described by Asst. Prof. Dr. N.Nopchai Chansilpa, a highly important expert in the establishment and development of the Rajamangala Tawan-ok Water lily Institute.


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